What Jesus Means To Me

Jesus Freaks. Holy Rollers. Bible Thumpers.

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, it is probably assured that you have heard these unflattering, unkind, judgmental descriptions of Christians. I know I have, way more times than I care to count.

If you are not a believer, you may have even used these terms yourself, whether in your thoughts or even spoken the words out loud.

But what does it really mean to be a Christian?

By its own definition, a Christian is someone that follows Christ. This is what my Microsoft Works Dictionary says is the definition of Christian: “believer in Jesus Christ as savior: somebody whose religion is Christianity”

While man’s view may be correct in one sense, it is wrong in another sense. Man has put that label on those that are not Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish or atheist, to name a few. But, just because you are not one of these other religions, it does not make you a Christian in the true sense of the word.

A ‘true’ Christian is a follower of Jesus. Someone that believes He is the Messiah, the Savior, God’s Only Son. Someone that believes He is God in human form who came to this earth for the sole purpose of taking the punishment for our sins on himself. Someone that has confessed their sins and has accepted Him as their Savior. Someone that believes the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to us for doctrine, reproof, correction, edification, that we may be complete, thoroughly equipped to do God’s work.

I understand that these may seem like generalizations, something that may be shrugged off as Biblical mumbo-jumbo. So, let me get personal.

Let me explain to you exactly what being a Christian means to me.

To me being a follower of Christ is the most important thing I can do. It is the deciding factor on whether I spend eternity in heaven or hell. It is having the assurance that my sins are forgiven, to be remembered no more by the God that Created me.

Still too general? OK.

It is also having a best friend that loves me unconditionally. That will never turn away from me even though I may move away from Him. It is knowing I have Someone that will fill me with His power and might to enable me to do the tasks He asks me to do.

He will not get me out of all of my problems or trials. He will not always keep me from persecutions or tribulations. But I know when I am in those valleys of despair, I only have to look to Him to get me through them with a peace and joy that no one else can give me.

When I am weak or tired or in pain, He gives me the strength to go on. When I am hurt or angry because of something someone has done to me, He gives me the ability to forgive and love them as He loves me.

He helps me to pray when I don’t know what to pray. He stands in the breach and intercedes for me when words fail me.

A crutch you say? Maybe. And I thank God every day for it.

He knew me and loved me before the foundations of the world. He knows my thoughts, my heart, even the number of hairs on my head. I am precious in His sight.

No matter where I go, or what I do, I know He is there before me; loving me, guiding me, lifting me up, leading me ever toward Him.

Jesus is my all in all, my beginning and my end. He is my joy unspeakable, my peace eternal. He is the lover of my soul. He is my Brother, with whom I share in God’s eternal reward. He is my King and my Lord.

I love Him with everything that is in me, and am not ashamed to say I am His.

© Drusilla Mott and https://drusillamott.wordpress.com, 2017

Changes and Constants

As I get older, I find it is getting harder and harder to adjust to change of any kind.

I find myself wanting to stick to that old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Change can come through circumstances around you; whether by the decisions of others or by our own actions. It can be voluntary, or it can be forced on us whether we like it or not. It can be a good thing, leading to a better, more joyful existence; or it can lead to confusion, irritation, annoyance, even anger and hatred.

Changes can be hard to deal with.

For myself, changes have come about in my life that have opened up my time during the day. But, even those changes that should be making my life easier are leaving me in a cloud of confusion as I struggle to catch my heart and mind up to the freedom that has come with those differences. These changes have me feeling lost and a little empty.

Did I say change can be hard to deal with?

But, thank God, there can be One Constant in each of our lives. One Person that does not change. One Person that is always there for us to abide in.

One Anchor that can hold us firmly in place against the rising tide of change, confusion, and problems.

Jesus is that One Person.

He is the one Constant in my life that I can TRULY count on.

He is my Anchor in the sea of change that rolls over each of our lives at some point.

Is He yours?

© Drusilla Mott and https://drusillamott.wordpress.com, 2016