A Bit More Christmas

© Drusilla Mott and https://drusillamott.wordpress.com, 2017

Merry Christmas!

“For unto you is born this day

in the city of David

a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:11


As I have gone through the past month, I have been reminded over and over again that this is the season of Hope, Love and Grace.  This time of year we are all reminded that God loves us so much that He sent His Only Son to take the sins of all of mankind on Himself, to suffer the judgment of God that should rightfully be ours.

As I went into the Thanksgiving holiday, I reflected on all the blessings that my Heavenly Father has bestowed on me over the course of my lifetime, the most meaningful being that He offered Salvation and Forgiveness for my sins.

As I hauled out all of the Christmas decorations, I was conscious of the fact that they were all worldly trappings that may sometimes seem to overshadow the true meaning of this Holy Celebration of Birth and Life. And I was brought to a state of praise and thanksgiving for the reminder that there is so much more for us if we would just look up and draw Him into our lives and hearts.

I have felt under the weather off and on over the past month, a cold or sinus infection or something seems not to want to let go, insisting on so generously granting me the gifts of congestion, runny nose and a persistent cough.  Constant pain drags at me, and the cold temperatures only intensify the ache that seems permanently settled into my bones.

Quite often I found myself bundled under warm blankets, watching Hallmark Christmas movies, trying to ease the ache by shutting out the cool air with my Grandmother’s knitted blanket.

But through it all has been the reminder that I am Loved and Cherished and Forgiven!

OH! Glorious blessings of Mercy and Grace!

As we go through all the preparations for Christmas, let us keep in mind that this day is the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior.

May God’s Love and His Peace fill you

as you celebrate the birth of our Redeemer.

© Drusilla Mott and https://drusillamott.wordpress.com, 2017