Getting To Know Holy Spirit

Good morning.

A year or so ago, I began watching Youtube videos from Dutch Sheets and his brother, Pastor Tim Sheets, learning about their thoughts and their understanding of the times we are living in. They led me to men like Lance Wallnau, Mario Murrillo, and Pastors Hank and Brenda Kunneman.

At first these people fascinated me. My church upbringing did not deal in spiritual warfare, Holy Spirit led prayers and decrees, or the like. I was taught Jesus died for my sins and when I accepted Him as Savior, He came to live in me. There were very few mentions of the work and power that Holy Spirit brought into our lives as a result, or the fact that He was the One that was the Helper, Comforter, and Strength that I needed to rely on.

As a result, I literally ignored God’s Spirit that dwelt in me. I prayed to Jesus, but felt as if I was still here battling on my own because I did not understand the true nature of God’s Precious Holy Spirit on the inside of me. I remember times when I was battling something or praying about something and God reminded me that He would never leave me or forsake me, that He would be with me no matter what. And I remember saying, “Yeah, okay. But You are in heaven and I am here on earth on my own. You are not physically here to help me.” In the back of my mind was the thought that it was all well and good that He would never leave me, but if He was in heaven, I failed to see how that promise really helped in bad situations. I was still here by myself.

But, Holy Spirit began a few years ago to pull at me, to nudge me into a faint acknowledgment of His place in my life. It took me awhile, but He was patient, drawing me along on the path He wanted me to follow, leading me into an astonishing revelation of just what it was I was missing. He showed me that there is so much more, a deeper, more fulfilling relationship that He wants to have with us if we would just open ourselves up to Him.

I got books about His place and purpose in my life and began to read and learn just what it was that I was missing in my relationship to Him. And that knowledge and understanding have not only drawn me closer to Him, but has also given me a heightened adoration and a new depth of closeness to Yeshua Jesus and Father God.

I now have a new understanding of the Godhead and I love them all equally and praise and worship each of them separately. But I have grown to cherish the knowledge that Precious Holy Spirit lives on the inside of me, and find myself often asking Him to reveal more and more of Himself to me.

He has become my best friend. My confidant. My teacher. My support system. My strength and my breath.

And it is because of His revelations to me that I have become a more effective intercessor. He has led me into prayers that I still find amazing. He has led me to begin prayer walks around our neighborhood and prayer drives around our town. He has led me in prayers for our state and for the nation. He has led my brother and I through prayer conference calls that last for an hour or more as we trade off praying for family, friends, and the nation.

He has shown me exactly what it means when He says He will never leave me nor forsake me as I was struggling with some dreams that were unsettling. So I once again asked Him just what it meant when He said He would never leave me or forsake me. And suddenly I could see and feel Him as if He were standing behind me, arms wrapped around me, enveloping me in His presence and protection and strength. It was such an obvious revelation, I felt a little dense in not fully understanding it before.

But now I know exactly what He means with that promise to not leave me alone. I am NOT alone. He will surround me with everything I need when I need it.

So, having said all that, beginning tomorrow, I want to start what I am going to call YouTube Tuesdays, sharing videos from these men that have been such a help to me. And I want to share excerpts from the public domain books that detail Who Holy Spirit is and What His roll is in all believers in case there are others that need a new understanding of Him.

© Drusilla Mott and, 2022

Reminiscing – Meditating on the Bible

I have been going through old writings. Some of them I may have already posted, but I feel as though I should start re-posting them as they are still relevant today and may be needed by someone new to this site. I was going to post one a week on Thursdays for the next few weeks, but with the predictions of the power grid going down, I have changed my mind on that. I will post one every morning until I run out of them or until I can no longer post. I find myself wanting to ask God to protect our power grid and not allow them to take it out, but if that is within His will in order for people to be pulled out of their complacency, then so be it. Anyway, I am going to put these under the heading of Reminiscing. Today’s is from June 2020.

Before I began this journey of learning about prayer, yearning for a closer walk with my Jesus, I struggled to understand why I did not feel like I was getting there. There always seemed to be something blocking me from complete surrender, some kind of wall that would rise up when I began to pray for deliverance from whatever it was that was holding me back. Call it stiff-necked pride, call it hard-heartedness – whatever you want to call it; I could not seem to overcome it and get passed it. I did not want to be that way, wanted desperately to be closer with my Lord and Savior; but the more I prayed, the further away I felt.

I knew there had to be a reason, but it scared me to be reminded of Pharaoh when Moses was trying to get him to let the people of Israel go. It brought to mind how God dealt with those people as they murmured and complained against him in the wilderness.

So, I began my search to learn everything I could about prayer and absolute surrender. And God has been faithful, directing me to what I needed when I needed it.

I found a booklet at church last week titled Biblical Meditation. The writer, David Beaty, started off by telling about a friend of his that told him he felt stagnant in his spiritual growth, that he was doing things out of discipline and duty, not from delight. So the author asked the friend if he had ever done Biblical Meditation. The friend said he had heard of it, but that it sounded like something from Eastern religions and did not want to try it.

But the writer goes on to explain that Biblical Meditation is simply taking a verse or a passage from the Bible and taking it word by word, section by section, and pondering on it. This needs a completely open heart and a dependence on Holy Spirit to work in you through the verse or passage.

So yesterday, as I was preparing to get on the treadmill, I decided to take a verse and meditate on it as I walked instead of listening to my exercise play list. I pulled a 3×5
index card from my card holder where I keep verses for memorization and notes from books I have read, and prepared to walk.

The verse I had ‘randomly’ pulled out was Psalm 55:22.

How appropriate, Right?

So, I set the card on the cup holder on the treadmill and began to walk, repeating the verse in my mind, asking Holy Spirit to show me how to make the verse work in my life.

I closed my eyes as I walked, going over the first part of the verse, asking God to help me see the meaning of the words. Then I began feeling almost as if I was sinking into the verse. Immediately I could see myself standing there holding a small bag. There was a Man in front of me, looking at me over His shoulder. I lifted the bag to place it on His shoulders. But as I lifted it, it began to grow, getting heavier and heavier until it resembled the bag that is often seen in pictures of Santa at Christmas. As I lifted it, the Man’s knees began to bend under the weight and I hesitated, wanting to pull it back; but I could feel His encouragement for me to place it on Him and leave it. His knees buckled, as Jim Caviezel’s did in The Passion when Mary came running to him and when that other woman came to him with a glass of water and tried to wipe his face. Then suddenly it was me on the ground, that heavy bag pushing me into the dirt. Hands reached down, taking mine and lifting me up. As He lifted me, I could feel His love and reassurance pour over me, reminding me that He was the one that was suppose to take care of my burdens, that He would handle them all. He lifted me to my feet and I stood, suddenly free from the weight of the burdens I had been carrying.

“Cast thy burdens upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee;
he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”

**** The booklet, entitled Biblical Meditation is one of the Discovery Series booklets from My Daily Bread Ministries. I encourage you to go to series to see this and other booklets that are available.

© Drusilla Mott and, 2020, 2022