I recently caught a brief snippet of an interview that Freddie Mercury did years ago.

The question I heard was this:

“Do you think you’re going to get to Heaven?”

The British rock singer’s answer made my stomach hurt:

“No.  I don’t want to.”

He smiled when he said it, just slightly.

The follow up was, “You don’t want to?”

This time his smile widened.

“No,” he said. “Hell is much better.”

I stared at the image of his smiling face in disbelief.

I don’t know why I was surprised, really.

This man’s lifestyle and preferences were common knowledge; and I had heard others say that they planned on going to Hell because all their friends would be there and it would be one big party.

I find myself wondering how anyone can be so …. well …. ignorant as to say an eternity in Hell is going to be better than an eternity in Heaven.

How could anyone say that Hell was better than Heaven?

And with that question came others:

I understand that these people are not believers, that they have no concept of what Hell will truly be like; but shouldn’t they have even the slightest inkling as to how bad it really will be?

Even Hollywood alludes to Hell as a place one wishes an enemy to.  Movies and television show people telling their enemies that they will see them in Hell.

If an enemy wishes one will go there, can it really be a good place to spend eternity?

And then other questions came popping into my head that I would have liked to ask this singer:

Do you truly think Hell is going to be better than Heaven?

Why would you want to go there?  Do you think Hell is going to be one endless party?

If you think Hell is going to be better than Heaven, just what do you think Heaven is going to be like?

Do you think the idea of going to Hell is a joke?

The choices made today will determine where we spend eternity, and Hell is not a laughing matter, it is not a joke.

Hell is a place of endless torment, where the souls of the lost spend eternity in misery and darkness, away from the God who loves them.

And once you die, you cannot change your mind.

Unfortunately, it is too late for this man.  He died in 1991 from AIDS. Whether he changed his mind before it was too late, and where he will spend eternity is unknown to all but him and his Creator.

If anyone reading this feels the way Freddy Mercury did, come back for my next few posts.

I am going to show what the Bible says about Hell and what it says about Heaven.

And then you can make your decision about where you want to spend eternity.

© Drusilla Mott and, 2012


I believe that there is a difference between the Rapture and the Glorious Appearing of Christ; and I believe in both of these upcoming events.

I believe that at the end of the Church Age, Jesus will return again to catch up  (rapture) born again believers to Himself. [John 14:1-3; I Thessalonians 4:11-18]

I believe that at the rapture, our mortal bodies will be changed into immortal bodies, and that there will be no more suffering for us. [ I Corinthians 15:50-58]

I believe that after the rapture, believers will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and be judged for what we have done in this life since becoming a Christian, whether it be good or bad. This is for Believers only.  [I Corinthians 3:9-15; II Corinthians 5:10-11; Colossians 3:24-25;  I John 2:28]

I believe that those left on earth after the rapture will face 7 years of Tribulation during which God will judge the nations of the world. [Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24; II Thessalonians 2:1-12; Revelation 6-19]

I believe in the Marriage of the Lamb.  I believe that the Lamb is Jesus as the Bridegroom [Matthew 9:15; Mark 2:19-20]   and that the True Church of Jesus Christ is the Bride. [II Corinthians 11:1-3; Ephesians 5:23-27]

I believe that when the tribulation is over, that Jesus will return physically, visibly, with His saints to set up His millennial kingdom here on earth. [Matthew 24:30;  Luke 21:27; Revelation 19:11-16, 20:3]

I believe that Satan will be bound for that thousand-year reign and will then be set loose for a short time to go out and deceive the nations.  [Revelation 20:1-3]

I believe that after the thousand-year reign, all unbelievers will stand before the Great White Throne and “confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” [Philippians 2:9-11; Revelation 20:11-15]

I believe that those whose names are not written in the “book of life of the Lamb”  will then be cast into the lake of fire, which is Hell, where they will remain forever.  [I Corinthians 16:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Revelation 19:20; 20:14-15, 21:8]

I believe that after the thousand-year reign, there will be a new heaven and a new earth where there will be no more sorrow, tears or death.  [Revelation 21-22]

I believe that in this eternal new earth, God will dwell with us and have fellowship with us.  [Ezekiel 43:7; Revelation 21:3]

© Drusilla Mott and, 2012