Share Your World – 2014 Week 13

Do you believe in extraterrestrials or life on other planets? 

Not sure I truly believe in them, but I think it is a possibility.  It seems to me that the universe is so huge, it is just possible that God would put other life out there someplace.

What type of pet or pets do you not want to have?

This list is a little long – ants (as in an ant farm), spiders, snakes, rodents (including hamsters and guinea pigs), lizards (although I love the Geico gecko I do not want one in my house), ferrets or anything like it, fish, turtles, birds, rabbits (love them when they are outside in the lawn, but not as a pet).

Anything that resembles any of those on the list above.

Give me dogs or cats.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

Not sure I could pick just one.  My first thought was Midnight Blue which is one of my favorite Crayon colors when pared with Seafoam Green.

But I also love the vibrant shades of Christmas Red, Emerald Green, Syracuse Orange, Sunshine Yellow, and Cobalt Blue.

Maybe I better be a rainbow of color.

What type of transportation would you be? Why?

An airplane.  I’ve never flown, but sometimes would like to be able to see the world from above.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for the continual learning process God has led me to and is leading me through.  Looking forward to warmer weather and sunshine.


As always, you can leave your answers in a comment below; or if you care to write your own post with answers be sure to link to Cee’s blog.


Have a blessed day.



© Drusilla Mott and, 2014