Share Your World – 2014 Week 15

For your blog do you basically use Windows or Mac, laptop, desktop, pad, or phone?

Windows desktop

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A homemaker and a mom of 6 kids – just like my mom.  The Lord has blessed me with one son, four step-children and 6 grandchildren.

Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it?

Actually I grew up in the country – about a mile from a tiny village that you would miss if you blinked while driving through it.  There were very few houses, and miles and miles of farm land around us.  There are more houses around now than then, and so more care has to be taken when out walking because of slightly heavier traffic, but I love it.  I now live only five minutes from where I grew up, where my mom still lives.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

I don’t know.  😉

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for the warmer weather we were having and for the yard work that could be done – although the temps dropped from near 80 to upper 20’s/mid 30’s.  We got a couple inches of snow since yesterday morning.  Today’s forecast is supposed to only be in the low 30’s.  Right now it is only 26 with a wind chill of 14.

Not sure just what I am looking forward to in the week coming up.

As always, you can leave your answers in a comment below; or if you care to write your own post with answers be sure to link to Cee’s blog.


Have a blessed day.


© Drusilla Mott and, 2014

Share Your World – 2014 Week 14

This Share Your World is actually from last week.  I’ll post my answers to this week’s questions tomorrow.

If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be?

One Way – I used to have a pair of jeans when I was in high school that I had sown a cross on with the words ONE WAY – meaning that Jesus is the One and Only Way to heaven.

Is your hair short (total neck and ear showing), medium (covering ears and neck), long (below shoulders), extra long (at least halfway down your back) or bald?

Shoulder length, cut to cover my ears but tapered so it can be feathered back from my face if I choose.

When you are with your friends, do your interactions include much touching—for example, hugging, kissing, rough housing, rubbing backs? Would you like to have more of this? (Note: the answers may vary depending on where you live on this wonderful planet.)

No – I am not a “touchy-feely” sort of person.

What do you feel is the most enjoyable way to spend $100? 

Depends – a few years ago I would have said scrapbook or card making supplies; but I don’t have all that much time anymore for that.  I guess now it would probably be a combination of things for the house and garden – there are alot of garden decorations at the dollar stores.

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Skipping this one because last week was two weeks ago and the week coming up is now last week.

As always, you can leave your answers in a comment below; or if you care to write your own post with answers be sure to link to Cee’s blog.


© Drusilla Mott and, 2014