Dogs are People, Too

I know some of you already know all of this, but I recently saw a photo that Pastor J posted, and it got me to thinking about our dogs.  I posted these on Highways and Byways, and decided to reblog here.  Have a blessed day.

Highways and Byways of My Life

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle,

and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.”

Genesis 1:24

Kayla was born November 17, 1999.  She was my Christmas present that year.

Kayla - about 6 weeks old Kayla – about 6 weeks old

Kayla 3

Kayla 6 Kayla and the neighbor’s cat

Sandy came to live with us in 2008 when my husband’s mother died.

Sandy Sandy

Sandy Sandy

009b Buddies – April 2010 – just weeks before Kayla died

Kayla shortly before she died in 2010 Kayla shortly before she died in 2010

SANDY 004 October 2012 – The morning before Sandy’s final trip to the vet.

© Drusilla Mott and, 2014

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